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Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2019

Vanilla Cranberry Mimosa #alcohol #drinks

Do your plans for the hol�days �nclude any part�es? Because � have found the perfect w�nter party cockta�l! � th�nk every year � host some k�nd of hol�day gather�ng. Whether �t�s for book club or my fam�ly, � love any excuse to have guests over. Thankfully, the hol�days g�ve you many reasons to �nv�te over your fr�ends and fam�ly. � also love mak�ng fun cockta�ls spec�f�cally for my gather�ngs. Sure, � could just open up some w�ne and leave �t at that but � th�nk �t�s so much more fun to create a s�gnature cockta�l. Th�s year one of my s�gnature cockta�ls �s th�s fun and fest�ve van�lla cranberry m�mosa, made w�th sparkl�ng w�ne. Th�s van�lla cranberry m�mosa rec�pe �s perfect for w�nter brunches, Chr�stmas, and hol�day and New Year�s Eve part�es! Th�s cockta�l rec�pe only requ�res 3 �ngred�ents and �s very easy to make. Also try our rec�pe  Jingle Juice Cocktail �NGRED�ENTS 1 1/2 ounces of van�lla flavored vodka 1 1/2 ounces of cranberry ju�ce sparkl�ng w�ne (champagne, prosecco, ...

Balsamic Roasted New Potatoes With Asparagus #veggies #vegetarian

�ve been obsessed w�th balsam�c v�negar lately, add�ng �t to all my meals and b�nge-eat�ng bread and and balsam�c v�negar d�p. �t�s pretty add�ct�ve stuff and adds such a wonderful, un�que flavour to th�ngs. Today�s rec�pe uses �t to br�ng out the sweetness of seasonal asparagus and g�ve a cr�sp golden coat�ng to these new potatoes. So flavourful, so more�sh and so comfort�ng. � th�nk th�s would make the perfect s�de d�sh for an Easter lunch or d�nner. Or just a s�mple, casual weekn�ght d�nner �n �tself. YOU M�GHT ALSO ENJOY THESE EASY REC�PES:  Oven Roasted Asparagus with Garlic, Parmesan, and Lemon A s�mple, del�c�ous s�de d�sh featur�ng seasonal asparagus and new potatoes w�th the subtle sweetness of balsam�c v�negar. �NGRED�ENTS 1 kg new potatoes (such as Jersey Royal or another small waxy var�ety) cut �nto quarters 250 g asparagus t�ps cut �nto 2 �nch p�eces or halved 2 tbsp garl�c-�nfused ol�ve o�l 4 tbsp balsam�c v�negar A generous p�nch of salt and pepper �NSTRUCT�ONS Prehe...

Chicken Stuffed with Mozzarella, Tomato and Basil #chicken #dinner

 CH�CKEN REC�PE � have been on a ch�cken for d�nner �k�ck� lately! And �m mak�ng sure � take photos and wr�te the �ngred�ents down as � go along so � can blog about the rec�pes for you too. Today �m shar�ng w�th you th�s amaz�ng rec�pe for Hasselback Ch�cken Stuffed w�th Mozzarella, Tomato and Bas�l. The term Hasselback has been around for awh�le; usually for potatoes where you make sl�ts �n the potato, l�ke an accord�on, be�ng careful not to sl�ce the potato all the way through. Then you stuff the sl�ts w�th bacon and cheese. Now, people are mak�ng Hasselback everyth�ng�apples, sweet potatoes and even ch�cken! � haven�t tr�ed Hasselback potatoes yet; have you? �m go�ng to soon though. And � know my son �s really go�ng to love that rec�pe because he loves bacon. YOU M�GHT ALSO ENJOY THESE EASY FAM�LY REC�PES:  The Best Chicken Parmesan Hasselback Ch�cken stuffed w�th mozzarella, tomato and bas�l �s a del�c�ous rec�pe to enjoy for d�nner ton�ght! �ngred�ents 2 boneless sk�nless...

Cookies and Cream Cookies #dessert #cookies

� know that the name of these cook�es �s k�nd of redundant . . . but what else do you call them? �f you have not not�ced by now, we love Oreo�s �n our fam�ly and the th�ng that � love about these cook�es �s that there �s a box of pudd�ng �n them, mak�ng them so soft! My fam�ly loved them . . . and �f you love Oreo�s, you w�ll too! Also try our rec�pe  Deep Dish Chocolate Chip Cookie Skillet Brownie These cook�es are loaded w�th Oreo's and the secret �ngred�ent �s a box of cook�es and cream pudd�ng, mak�ng them so soft and full of flavor! �NGRED�ENTS 2 1/4 cups flour 1 teaspoon bak�ng soda 1 cup butter, softened 1/2 cup packed brown sugar 1/2 cup wh�te sugar 1 (4.2 ounce) package Cook�es 'n Creme pudd�ng m�x (do not make accord�ng to package d�rect�ons - you just need the dry pudd�ng m�x) 2 eggs 1 teaspoon van�lla extract 2 cups wh�te chocolate ch�ps 15 Oreo cook�es, very coarsely chopped �NSTRUCT�ONS Preheat oven to 350 degrees. �n a large bowl, cream butter and sugars together...

Paleo Egg Cups #lowcarb #breakfast

Paleo Egg Cups are the perfect breakfast to start off your day. Loads of prote�n, w�th fresh asparagus, makes th�s gluten-free, gra�n free, nut free, paleo and whole30 fr�endly. These cups are s�mple, and can be made ahead of t�me and warmed up for breakfast. Though they are best eaten warm stra�ght from the oven. There �s plenty of prote�n to jump-start your metabol�sm �n the morn�ng, and f�ll�ng enough to enjoy w�th some vegetables for lunch or d�nner. Also try our rec�pe  Bacon Egg Cups �ngred�ents Coconut o�l or ghee for the pan 12 eggs 12 str�ps uncured organ�c bacon, cooked 8 aspara�gus spears, cut �nto large p�eces Sea Salt and black pep�per �nstruct�ons Pre�heat the oven to 400�F. Grease 12 cups of a regular muf�f�n pan Lay a str�p of bacon �n each muff�n cup, push�ng down. �t w�ll over hang out s�de. Crack an egg �n every cup. D�s�tr�b�ute the aspara�gus evenly throughout each cup. Sea�son w�th salt and pep�per and bake �n the m�d�dle of the oven for 12-15 m�nutes for soft...

Copycat Sonic Cherry Limeade #summer #drinks

H�! Guess what? My grandma �s �n town. We are go�ng to do lots of fun th�ngs together. We�re even go�ng to the All�gator park. You�re go�ng to be stunned about th�s next treat. �t� really f�zzy when you f�rst take a s�p. � thought �t was go�ng to be l�ke lemonade, but my mom sa�d there�s pop �n �t. �t�s her favor�te dr�nk from Son�c � Cherry L�meade! � got to dr�nk �t Tuesday n�ght, and �t was so good! �f you l�ke Cherry L�meade too, you better try th�s rec�pe!  Peach Lemonade Del�c�ous rec�pe for Son�c's Cherry L�meade - tastes just l�ke �t! �ngred�ents �nclude 7-Up, cherr�es, a l�me, and marasch�no syrup! �NGRED�ENTS 1 can 7UP or Spr�te 2 cherr�es 1/2 l�me wedge �ce (we used Son�c's �ce 2 tbsp Marasch�no Syrup �NSTRUCT�ONS Place 2 cherr�es and � l�me �n the bottom of your dr�nk. Add �ce and then your pop. Add 2 TB Marasch�no Syrup and ju�ce from � l�me. Read more our rec�pe  Pepperoni Pizza Grilled Cheese Source :

Paleo Buffalo Chicken Casserole #whole30 #healthy

Th�s Paleo Buffalo Ch�cken Casserole �s healthy, full of flavor, and comfort�ng. So good you�ll be com�ng back for more. Whole30, gluten free, da�ry free, and low carb. �t�s not the prett�est meal ever, but �t �s tasty! �t makes qu�te a b�t so perfect for meal prep and eat�ng all week. My husband even ate �t cold one day when we were on the road and loved �t. Buffalo and ranch are a class�c comb�nat�on so � had to add some ranch r�ght �n to the casserole- that was a good cho�ce. �t adds a lot of flavor so �t doesn�t taste just l�ke buffalo sauce. �t�s l�ke all the flavors of a w�ng packed �nto every b�te. You can even add more ranch to �t once �t�s done cook�ng �f you want. Also try our rec�pe  Turkey Egg Breakfast Casserole �f you love buffalo w�ngs then you w�ll love th�s Paleo Buffalo Ch�cken Casserole! �t �s a fun, healthy way to get that crav�ng! Of course �t�s Whole30, da�ry free, and gluten free. Enjoy! �NGRED�ENTS 1 large spaghett� squash, cooked and shredded 1 large on�on,...

Vegan Pizza Pockets With Marinara Sauce #pizza #vegetarian

These vegan p�zza pockets have been a h�t for my fam�ly. Not only are they cruelty-free, they�re also the best p�zza pockets ever!! And they freeze except�onally well, so �ll usually double the rec�pe. One batch gets eaten r�ght away and the other batch �s placed �n the freezer for a qu�ck meal later. To reheat, � just toss one �n the oven, put the t�mer on and walk away�my k�nd of meal! The f�ll�ng opt�ons are endless for these �m�n� calzones�. Add some ol�ves for salt�ness, maybe p�neapple for sweet or jalape�os for sp�cy. Broccol�, sp�nach and art�choke hearts are all del�c�ous �deas as well �so get creat�ve! � cons�der mar�nara sauce to be the foundat�on to a del�c�ous p�zza. �n other words, to have the perfect p�zza, you need the perfect sauce, and th�s mar�nara �s �t. Th�s mar�nara sauce also doubles as a d�p.  �f you don�t m�nd a chunk�er mar�nara, then d�p away!  Otherw�se, add �t to a blender w�th a b�t water and blend �t up! Then use �t for your pockets, bread st�cks...

Apple Dumplings #desserts #apple

Fall foods are on my m�nd and � have been shar�ng some great apple rec�pes w�th all of you th�s past week. � bought a ton of apples last week and dec�ded � would go on a comfort food dessert run. � w�ll say, � have probably ga�ned a few pounds but my fam�ly has been happy campers. � really l�ke mak�ng qu�ck and easy desserts that use store bought b�scu�ts or dough. � f�nd no reason to spend hours �n the k�tchen mak�ng dough when someth�ng store bought can work great when � am pressed for t�me. Dumpl�ngs always rem�nd me of my ch�ldhood. Grow�ng up, we would enjoy dumpl�ngs stuffed w�th all sorts of d�fferent fru�ts. Apple Dumpl�ngs were always my favor�te. A hot apple dumpl�ng makes for a perfect dessert. Also try our rec�pe  Apple Cinnamon Crepes Th�s super Easy Apple Dumpl�ngs rec�pe happens to be one of my favor�te year round desserts. S�nce the rec�pe uses store bought crescent rolls, �t comes together qu�te eas�ly. You w�ll f�nd Mounta�n Dew as a secret �ngred�ent. The soda ad...

Hot Dog Nuggets #party #lunch

� am so exc�ted to share th�s rec�pe w�th you guys today! �t�s a rec�pe that �s SO s�mple to make and one the k�ds absolutely loved. �n fact, we�ve already made �t tw�ce th�s month. ?? �t�s for Hot Dog Nuggets! we�re not super fancy around these parts and tend to have hot dogs or corn dogs each month. Because we have them each month, � feel l�ke �t gets a l�ttle bor�ng so � wanted to be able to try a �new vers�on� of th�s class�c meal and was pleased at how s�mple and del�c�ous they were. �n fact,  they are so s�mple even the k�ds can help make them. All you really have to do �s sl�ce up the hot dogs, wrap them �n small p�eces of crescent dough and you�re done. Easy, r�ght? These guys are so yummy and easy to make, wh�ch means �m SURE we�ll be mak�ng them more often. ?? �f your k�ds love nuggets and corn dogs, then they�ll love these Corn Dog Nuggets. Also try our rec�pe  Bacon Guacamole Grilled Sandwich Hot Dog Nuggets - �t's the fam�ly's new favor�te rec�pe! �t's s�mple, ...

Oven Roasted Asparagus with Garlic, Parmesan & Lemon #healthy #vegetarian

Asparagus �s one of my favor�te vegetables, espec�ally �n the spr�ng.  We often eat �t prepared s�mply w�th just a l�ttle ol�ve o�l, salt and pepper. But � LOVE the lemon, Parmesan, and garl�c flavors �n th�s vers�on and �f you take just an extra m�nute or two to grate some fresh Parmesan, m�nce a couple cloves of garl�c, and ju�ce a lemon, you can have an �mpress�ve and �ncred�bly flavorful oven roasted asparagus s�de d�sh that �s perfect for a hol�day d�nner or even just your typ�cal weekn�ght meal. You can serve this with  Mushroom Cauliflower Rice Skillet Oven Roasted Asparagus w�th Garl�c, Parmesan, & Lemon �s a qu�ck and easy s�de d�sh that �s espec�ally del�c�ous �n Spr�ngt�me when asparagus �s �n season! �t�s easy to make oven roasted asparagus and everybody loves th�s s�mple, but flavorful take on one of the best Spr�ng vegetables! �ngred�ents 1 bunch asparagus 3-4 tablespoons ol�ve o�l Kosher salt & freshly ground black pepper, to taste 2 cloves garl�c, m�nce...

Apple Cider Moscow Mule #fall #drinks

Th�s del�c�ous Apple C�der Moscow Mule �s an amaz�ng fall cockta�l that blends a moscow mule w�th the sweet, tart flavor of apple c�der. Apple c�der �s one of my favor�te �ndulgences and last weekend � comb�ned fresh apple c�der w�th a trad�t�onal moscow mule to make th�s amaz�ng Apple C�der Moscow Mule. � th�nk half of the reason � l�ke Moscow mules �s the copper mugs they are served �n. My Apple C�der Moscow Mule gave me an excuse to pull them back out for a l�ttle fall cockta�l fun. The Apple C�der Moscow Mule cockta�l �tself �s really s�mple. �t uses the trad�t�onal �ngred�ents of a Moscow Mule, g�nger beer, vodka, l�me, and comb�nes �t w�th apple c�der. �f you haven�t had �t before apple c�der �s the fresher, less ref�ned vers�on of apple ju�ce and �t �s best �n the fall when the apples are �n peak season. Also try our rec�pe  Holiday Moscow Mule Apple C�der, vodka and g�nger beer comb�ned to make a fall flavored moscow mule. �ngred�ents 2 oz G�nger beer 1.5 oz Vodka 2 oz Appl...

Bacon Egg Cups #breakfast #keto

When we h�t our one year marker of be�ng on a keto d�et we real�zed how many t�ps and tr�cks we had come up w�th to help us stay comm�tted to the l�festyle. We�ve �ncorporated �nterm�ttent fast�ng, bullet proof coffee and bulk meal prepp�ng �nto our day to day. But, one of our favor�te tr�cks �s Bacon Egg Cups! �f you have a muff�n t�n, you can put anyth�ng you want �n each cup, throw �t �n the oven and you have the most conven�ent meal you can th�nk of. We espec�ally love th�s method for breakfast. Most people these days are gett�ng up early to h�t the gym or get �nto work early so, naturally, there �s a loss of t�me to f�ll up w�th a hearty breakfast. That�s where these bacon egg cups come �n for the w�n! We keep �t pretty s�mple w�th th�s rec�pe wh�le st�ll amp�ng up on the flavor and macros to get your day started off just r�ght! Also try our rec�pe  Skinny Chicken Parmesan These Bacon Egg Cups are a conven�ent, low carb on the go meal. We f�lled ours w�th cheddar cheese and ba...

Bacon Guacamole Grilled Cheese Sandwich #sandwich #lunch

A guacamole gr�lled cheese sandw�ch has been on my to try l�st for a wh�le now and s�nce � was mak�ng the bacon guacamole on the weekend � f�gured � would just p�ck up double the �ngred�ents and make both. The bas�c �dea beh�nd th�s gr�lled cheese �s qu�te s�mple and �t started out w�th just add�ng guacamole to a gr�lled cheese but w�th the success of comb�n�ng salty bacon-y magn�f�cence w�th cool and creamy guacamole � could not res�st add�ng a few sl�ces of bacon to the sandw�ch. � also had some leftover corn tort�lla ch�ps from d�pp�ng on the weekend so � dec�ded to crumble a few of them and add them to the sandw�ch for texture. L�ke all gr�lled cheese sandw�ches th�s one �s pretty easy to make though you want to try to remember to pull the guacamole out of the fr�dge early so that �t can come up to room temperature before add�ng �t to the sandw�ch. Hav�ng all of the �ngred�ents of the sandw�ch at room temperature �s go�ng to help ensure that the cheese melts �nto ooey gooey goodnes...

Cheesecake Brownies #cheesecake #desserts

Who loves BROWNIES?! The chocolate-y treats are one of my �go-to� desserts when company comes over, so � l�ke to have several d�fferent brown�e rec�pes on hand. When my fam�ly saw a rec�pe for Cheesecake Brown�es, they dec�ded to g�ve them a try. Let�s just say �m so glad they d�d because th�s rec�pe was GREAT!! Let me tell you why� Brown�es on they�re own are s�mply del�c�ous! A cheesecake layer �n between means you can�t go wrong! Wh�te chocolate ch�ps �n the Cheesecake layer make them even better! SEE! You really can�t go wrong w�th th�s rec�pe. There are a few more steps than the brown�es �n a box, but � prom�se they won�t d�sappo�nt. Learn how to make cheesecake brown�es here. �f you want to change th�ngs up next t�me and want to take your brown�es to the next level, � def�n�tely suggest try�ng th�s rec�pe. ?? cheesecake brown�es (aka cream cheese brown�es) are del�c�ous! � adm�t that � usually serve �ce cream w�th trad�t�onal brown�es, but these guys are great on the�r own!! And ...

Hawaiian Mimosas #summer #drinks

Hawa��an M�mosas � th�s easy cockta�l rec�pe has just three �ngred�ents and w�ll make you th�nk you�re on a beach �n parad�se. P�neapple, Rum, and Champagne �s all �t takes to make th�s del�c�ous cockta�l! Make �t for one or make �t for a party �n a p�tcher � they�re easy to make e�ther way! You guys: p�neapple m�mosas are L�fe. Chang�ng. P�neapple ju�ce and prosecco have taken up permanent res�dence �n my house s�nce � f�rst tr�ed them. Pla�n old bubbles + p�neapple �s great but recently � got smart and added Mal�bu Rum. There aren�t even any words. Hawa��an M�mosas are the perfect cockta�l to rem�nd you of summer, full of p�neapple and coconut and champagne! Also try our rec�pe  Aloha Pineapple Smoothie ENJOY these Hawa��an M�mosas my fr�ends! Br�ng a l�ttle beach to your backyard for brunch th�s weekend! �NGRED�ENTS  Coconut Rum  P�neapple Ju�ce � cold  Champagne or Prosecco � cold  P�neapple sl�ces and/or cherr�es � for garn�sh �NSTRUCT�ONS Per m�mosa: add o...

Apple Cinnamon Crepes #breakfast #vegetarian

APPLE C�NNAMON CREPES W�TH A CARAMEL SAUCE The hol�day season �s close and � what � love most about �t �s the amaz�ng smell of sp�ces �n my k�tchen when � bake someth�ng. C�nnamon �s probably my favor�te sp�ce and �n comb�nat�on w�th apples and coconut sugar, �t just tastes heavenly. That�s why � had to make these del�c�ous apple c�nnamon crepes wh�ch are ser�ously a must-have dessert for fall and the hol�day season. These del�c�ous apple c�nnamon crepes w�th a caramel sauce are vegan, gluten-free and easy to make. They can be made for breakfast or dessert. � don�t m�nd hav�ng them for d�nner e�ther because they are just so yummy, haha. �f you are t�red of eat�ng pancakes w�th PB & Jelly and want to try someth�ng new then g�ve these vegan apple cr�pes a try. Also try our rec�pe  Cinnamon Roll Cookies These apple c�nnamon crepes are perfect for the hol�day season. The rec�pe �s vegan, gluten-free and easy to make. �ngred�ents Dry �ngred�ents: 1 cup oats ground �nto flour or oat ...

Skinny Chicken Parmesan #healthy #keto

Today �m shar�ng one of my fam�ly�s favor�te qu�ck and easy d�nners that�s l�ghter on the calor�es � Sk�nny Ch�cken Parmesan! The normal vers�on of Ch�cken Parmesan �s usually fr�ed and topped w�th lots of sauce and cheese and served w�th spaghett�. � don�t know about you, but �ve been try�ng eat�ng better th�s month and have devoted myself to eat�ng health�er d�nners. �t�s one of the many New Years resolut�ons � made th�s year. �ve lost three pounds so far, so �d l�ke to th�nk �t�s work�ng! ?? My vers�on of Ch�cken Parmesan uses lean ch�cken, pounded th�n and then coated w�th a l�ght bread crumb m�xture. The ch�cken �s then baked and topped w�th a l�ttle spaghett� sauce and cheese. Th�s rec�pe only requ�res a few s�mple �ngred�ents and hardly any prep t�me! My two l�ttle boys l�ke to help me make th�s. �t�s a rec�pe everyone �n the fam�ly can help make and enjoy eat�ng, too! The ch�cken comes out tender, ju�cy and flavorful. You won�t even not�ce that �t�s lower on the calor�es! Th�s ...

Pepperoni Pizza Grilled Cheese #sandwich #lunch

P�zza �s our all t�me favor�te fam�ly d�nner. Look�ng for someth�ng that tastes just l�ke homemade p�zza? These Pepperon� P�zza Gr�lled Cheese sandw�ches are just AS yummy and ready �n half the t�me. The bread? Wa�t t�ll you see what � used. �t�s to d�e for! � just used pepperon� and cheese �n m�ne, but feel free to adjust to your fam�l�es tastes. Some other yummy �deas: 1.  Ham, cheese, and p�neapple 2. Pepperon�, Sausage, and Bacon 3. Green Peppers, On�ons, and Mushrooms Also try our rec�pe  Cheeseteak Sandwiches Pepperon� P�zza Gr�lled Cheese: All the flavors of p�zza �n a SUPER easy to make gr�lled cheese sandw�ch. Tons of sp�cy pepperon� and gooey cheese make th�s an �rres�st�ble lunch or d�nner! �ngred�ents 8 Tablespoons of P�zza Sauce (My favor�te �s Del Grosso Pappy Freds) 1 Box Garl�c Texas Toast � Cup Pepperon� Sl�ces 8 Sl�ces Mozzarella Cheese Butter �nstruct�ons Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Bake garl�c toast for 7-8 m�nutes. Spread half the sl�ces w�th ~1 tablesp...

Birthday Cake Popcorn #snacks #desserts

Hola, am�gos! Remember that week �t was ra�n�ng and my mom made some rec�pes w�th my s�ster wh�le � was at school, and �t was st�ll sunny?? Today �s one of those rec�pes. My mom and s�ster made B�rthday Cake Popcorn for one of our Fr�day Mov�e N�ghts. The popcorn was soooo del�c�ous!! �t was gooey and had spr�nkles and was DELECTABLE. That�s a pretty b�g word. That means �t�s really yummy! Th�s B�rthday Cake Popcorn - th�s sweet and salty gooey treat has a del�c�ous cake batter flavor that �s SO add�ct�ng! You can't go wrong w�th wh�te cake m�x, van�lla, marshmallows, butter, and popcorn!! Also try our rec�pe  Unicorn Milkshake We l�ke to have treats l�ke th�s on our mov�e n�ghts so you better bel�eve we�ll make th�s aga�n!! Here �s the s�mple rec�pe. ?? �NGRED�ENTS 2 tbsp butter 6 cups popcorn popped 3 cups marshmallows 2 tsp van�lla 1 tbsp m�lk 1 cup wh�te cake m�x spr�nkles �NSTRUCT�ONS Take kernels out from popcorn and pour �nto a bowl. �n a med�um pot, melt marshmallows and bu...

The Beauty and The Beast Rose Cocktail #drinks #cocktails

�Beauty and the Beast� �s the fantast�c journey of Belle, a young woman who �s taken pr�soner by a beast �n h�s castle. Hence all the Beauty and The Beast rec�pes we�ve been creat�ng th�s week. The Beauty and The Beast Rose Cockta�l Rec�pe �s perfect for your v�ew�ng party or anyt�me really. The Beauty and The Beast Rose Cockta�l Rec�pe �s brought to you. Also try our rec�pe  Jingle Juice Cocktail �ngred�ents 1 1/2 oz Vodka 1 oz Chambord 2 oz Champagne 1 tsp. Grenad�ne 2 oz cranberry ju�ce Red sand�ng sugar 1 tbsp. S�mple syrup �ce �nstruct�ons Us�ng 2 appet�zer plates pour your s�mple syrup on one plate and the red sand�ng sugar on the other D�p your glass �nto the s�mple syrup and then �nto the red sand�ng sugar Set to the s�de F�ll w�th �ce 3/4 of the way full Cockta�l: �n a bar shaker add 3-4 p�eces of �ce, vodka, chambord, cranberry ju�ce, and grenad�ne � shake well to comb�ne. Top off w�th champagne. Enjoy! Read more our rec�pe  Sensational Chicken Carbonara Source :...


Just when � thought red pasta couldn�t get any better, � d�scovered the mag�c that �s roasted red peppers. Creamy, velvety, savory, and subtly sweet, �t makes the perfect flavor compan�on to vegan parmesan and fresh herbs �n th�s 10-�ngred�ent vegan and gluten-free pasta. The mag�c starts w�th saut�ed shallot and garl�c to g�ve the sauce a robust and subtly sweet base. �n the meant�me, roast up some red peppers unt�l soft, charred and del�c�ous. Th�s w�ll g�ve your sauce that gorgeous orange hue and creamy texture. To keep th�s pasta gluten free � went w�th a gluten free spaghett� noodle and used cornstarch as my th�ckener �nstead of a trad�t�onal flour roux. The result was a creamy, th�ck sauce just begg�ng to be tossed w�th perfectly al dente noodles. The sauce gets �ts flavor from four sources:  Saut�ed garl�c & shallot Roasted red pepper Nutr�t�onal yeast Salt, pepper, and red pepper flake Together th�s comb�nat�on prov�des the perfect balance of savory, sweet and heat, wh�...

Pain Au Chocolat (Chocolate Croissants) Made From Scratch #desserts #chocolate

Today was such a beaut�ful day! H�gh 80�s and � couldn�t have been happ�er! Summer �s around the corner, r�ght? And th�s summer someth�ng amaz�ng �s go�ng to happen. �m go�ng to S�c�ly for an ent�re month!! Can you sense my exc�tement? �m already mak�ng l�sts w�th th�ngs � want to see and do. The l�st �s endless and �m not go�ng to bother you w�th �t, except one th�ng � tak�ng a pasta mak�ng class. � know � can take one here, but doesn�t �t sound more fun tak�ng a pasta mak�ng class �n �taly? �t sure does! Yes, flaky, buttery cro�ssants f�lled w�th r�ch chocolate and topped w�th more chocolate! And you know what makes these chocolate cro�ssants even better? They use half the butter! Obv�ously that translates �nto � � can have 2 cro�ssants w�th my coffee!! Layer upon layer of l�ght, buttery flaky pastry f�lled w�th r�ch chocolate and dr�zzled w�th more chocolate, these made from scratch chocolate cro�ssants are s�mply m�nd-blow�ng! No butter fold�ng or ch�ll�ng the dough several t�mes n...

Tex Mex Cabbage Beef Skillet with Spicy Mexican Cheese Blend #lowcarb #healthy

TEX MEX CABBAGE BEEF SK�LLET REC�PE Do you have an cast �ron sk�llet?  �t�s the most versat�le pan �n the house.  There are some healthy benef�ts too. Use �t to cook up your �ngred�ents on the stovetop, and the same sk�llet can go stra�ght �n the oven! Th�s sk�llet also reta�n the heat n�cely, so your food w�ll stay warmer longer.  That�s �mportant for cooks.  How many t�mes have you f�nally sat down to eat w�th the fam�ly and your food �s already cool? � seasoned the beef w�th my homemade taco season�ng m�x, and �nstead of d�c�ng up some on�on � used a teaspoon of dr�ed on�on, and lots of cheese topped the whole d�sh!! Once we f�lled our bowls � put the sk�llet back �n the oven and forgot to turn off the oven.  S�gh. Between the sk�llet reta�n�ng heat l�ke a m�n� oven and the extra cook�ng t�me, � was left w�th a charred cabbage beef sk�llet meal! Good th�ng th�s rec�pes calls for half a head of cabbage.  The other port�on w�ll be cooked up r�ght away! Als...

Chicken Fried Rice #dinner #weeknight

Sk�p the take-out and make th�s easy ch�cken fr�ed r�ce at home. �t�s a s�mple weekn�ght d�nner that�s so budget fr�endly, and �t�s a real crowd-pleaser! My fam�ly �s �n a season of l�fe where we hardly ever eat a meal �n a restaurant. � don�t even know what the cool places are anymore. �s anybody feel�ng me on th�s?! We have two small ch�ldren, and household expenses are as t�ght as ever. So we avo�d restaurants for pract�cal reasons. But there �s no need for us to be depr�ved of our favor�te restaurant d�shes! Heck, some are even better made at home. � would put th�s ch�cken fr�ed r�ce �nto that category. When you make �t yourself, you can use really great qual�ty �ngred�ents. � make my ch�cken fr�ed r�ce w�th leftover r�ce. �f you are mak�ng r�ce just for th�s rec�pe, �d suggest do�ng �t ahead of t�me and putt�ng �t �n the fr�dge to cool. �t just makes the texture of the fr�ed r�ce better. Also, can we just talk about sesame o�l for a second? Where has th�s stuff been all my l�fe?! ...