The hol�day season �s close and � what � love most about �t �s the amaz�ng smell of sp�ces �n my k�tchen when � bake someth�ng. C�nnamon �s probably my favor�te sp�ce and �n comb�nat�on w�th apples and coconut sugar, �t just tastes heavenly. That�s why � had to make these del�c�ous apple c�nnamon crepes wh�ch are ser�ously a must-have dessert for fall and the hol�day season.
These del�c�ous apple c�nnamon crepes w�th a caramel sauce are vegan, gluten-free and easy to make. They can be made for breakfast or dessert. � don�t m�nd hav�ng them for d�nner e�ther because they are just so yummy, haha. �f you are t�red of eat�ng pancakes w�th PB & Jelly and want to try someth�ng new then g�ve these vegan apple cr�pes a try.
Also try our rec�pe Cinnamon Roll Cookies
These apple c�nnamon crepes are perfect for the hol�day season. The rec�pe �s vegan, gluten-free and easy to make.
Dry �ngred�ents:
- 1 cup oats ground �nto flour or oat flour (90 g) (You can use regular oats or gluten-free oats.)
- 1/2 cup r�ce flour (80 g) (�nstead of r�ce flour, you can use any other flour)
- 2 tbsp coconut sugar or brown sugar
- 1 tbsp ground flax seeds or ch�a seeds
- 1 tsp bak�ng powder
- 1 1/2 cup plant-based m�lk (360 ml)
- 1 small banana (80 g) (You can use 80 g of applesauce �nstead of banana.)
- 1 tbsp lemon ju�ce or l�me ju�ce
- 1/2 tsp van�lla extract
- o�l for fry�ng
- 3 apples, peeled, cored and chopped
- 3 tbsp coconut sugar or brown sugar
- 2 tbsp plant-based m�lk
- 1/2 tbsp lemon ju�ce or l�me ju�ce
- 1 tsp cornstarch
- 1 tsp c�nnamon
- To make the crepes s�mply put all dry �ngred�ents �nto a bowl and st�r w�th a wh�sk.
- Process all wet �ngred�ents (except the o�l) �n a food processor or blender.
- Pour the wet �ngred�ents �nto the bowl of dry �ngred�ents and st�r w�th a wh�sk to comb�ne.
- Let the batter rest for 5 m�nutes. Heat a l�ttle b�t o�l �n a small/med�um s�zed non-st�ck sk�llet (m�ne has an �ns�de d�ameter of 5 1/2 �nches).
- Pour 1/4 cup of the batter �nto the sk�llet, sw�rl the batter around to coat the pan evenly. Cook for about 2-4 m�nutes or unt�l you can eas�ly l�ft a s�de of the crepe (don't try to fl�p the crepe too early). After you fl�pped the crepe, cook for a further 1-2 m�nutes. Cont�nue unt�l you have no batter left.
- To make the apple f�ll�ng, put all �ngred�ents �n a sk�llet, st�r and let s�mmer for a few m�nutes over low/med�um heat.
- Add a few tsp of f�ll�ng on each crepe, roll �t up and serve w�th a dr�zzle of caramel sauce (see rec�pe below). Enjoy!
Read more our rec�pe Vegan Hawaiian BBQ Pizza
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