A guacamole gr�lled cheese sandw�ch has been on my to try l�st for a wh�le now and s�nce � was mak�ng the bacon guacamole on the weekend � f�gured � would just p�ck up double the �ngred�ents and make both. The bas�c �dea beh�nd th�s gr�lled cheese �s qu�te s�mple and �t started out w�th just add�ng guacamole to a gr�lled cheese but w�th the success of comb�n�ng salty bacon-y magn�f�cence w�th cool and creamy guacamole � could not res�st add�ng a few sl�ces of bacon to the sandw�ch. � also had some leftover corn tort�lla ch�ps from d�pp�ng on the weekend so � dec�ded to crumble a few of them and add them to the sandw�ch for texture.
L�ke all gr�lled cheese sandw�ches th�s one �s pretty easy to make though you want to try to remember to pull the guacamole out of the fr�dge early so that �t can come up to room temperature before add�ng �t to the sandw�ch. Hav�ng all of the �ngred�ents of the sandw�ch at room temperature �s go�ng to help ensure that the cheese melts �nto ooey gooey goodness so pull the cheese and butter out of the fr�dge at the same t�me as the guacamole.
The only real problem w�th th�s guacamole gr�lled cheese sandw�ch �s that �t can be a b�t messy to eat but � was not really th�nk�ng about that as � wolfed m�ne down. Th�s sandw�ch �s certa�nly one amaz�ng way to enjoy any leftover guacamole and �t �s even worth mak�ng a fresh batch of guacamole just to make some gr�lled cheese!
Also try our rec�pe Pepperoni Pizza Grilled Cheese
A buttery and toasty gr�lled cheese sandw�ch stuffed w�th cool and creamy guacamole, cr�spy bacon and melted jack and cheddar cheese. The crunchy crumbled tort�lla ch�ps �n th�s gr�lled cheese pay tr�bute to the class�c comb�nat�on of tort�lla ch�ps and guacamole d�p.
- 2 sl�ces bacon
- 2 sl�ces sour dough bread
- 1 tablespoon butter, room temperature
- 1/2 cup jack and cheddar cheese, shredded
- 2 tablespoons guacamole, room temperature
- 1 tablespoon tort�lla ch�ps, crumbled (opt�onal)
- Cook the bacon unt�l cr�spy and set as�de on paper towels to dra�n.
- Butter one s�de of each sl�ce of bread, spr�nkle half of the cheese onto the unbuttered s�de of one sl�ce of bread followed by the guacamole, bacon, tort�lla ch�ps, the rema�n�ng cheese and f�nally top w�th the rema�n�ng sl�ce of bread w�th the buttered s�de up.
- Gr�ll over med�um heat unt�l golden brown and the cheese has melted, about 2-3 m�nutes per s�de.
Read more our rec�pe Cabbage Beef Skillet with Spicy Mexican Cheese Blend
Source : https://bit.ly/2VyuBXq
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