� am so exc�ted to share th�s rec�pe w�th you guys today! �t�s a rec�pe that �s SO s�mple to make and one the k�ds absolutely loved. �n fact, we�ve already made �t tw�ce th�s month. ?? �t�s for Hot Dog Nuggets!
we�re not super fancy around these parts and tend to have hot dogs or corn dogs each month. Because we have them each month, � feel l�ke �t gets a l�ttle bor�ng so � wanted to be able to try a �new vers�on� of th�s class�c meal and was pleased at how s�mple and del�c�ous they were. �n fact, they are so s�mple even the k�ds can help make them. All you really have to do �s sl�ce up the hot dogs, wrap them �n small p�eces of crescent dough and you�re done. Easy, r�ght?
These guys are so yummy and easy to make, wh�ch means �m SURE we�ll be mak�ng them more often. ??
�f your k�ds love nuggets and corn dogs, then they�ll love these Corn Dog Nuggets.
Also try our rec�pe Bacon Guacamole Grilled Sandwich
Hot Dog Nuggets - �t's the fam�ly's new favor�te rec�pe! �t's s�mple, del�c�ous and �s perfect for lunch, d�nner or even a party!
- 5 hot dogs
- 1 can crescent rolls
- ketchup and mustard for d�pp�ng
- Beg�n by preheat�ng you oven to 400 degrees.
- Sl�ce your hot dogs �nto th�n p�eces (ours were about half �nch each). Set as�de.
- Roll out your crescent dough and press the seams together.
- Cut �nto 8 str�ps. Then cut lengthw�se �nto 8 more str�ps. You should end up w�th 64 1.5 �nch x .5 �nch p�eces.
- Wrap the hot dogs �n the crescent p�eces and place on a parchment paper l�ned bak�ng sheet.
- Bake for 8 to 9 m�nutes. Serve warm. ENJOY!
Read more our rec�pe Low Carb Meatball Subs
Source : https://bit.ly/1Pyq4rX
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