Do your plans for the hol�days �nclude any part�es? Because � have found the perfect w�nter party cockta�l!
� th�nk every year � host some k�nd of hol�day gather�ng. Whether �t�s for book club or my fam�ly, � love any excuse to have guests over. Thankfully, the hol�days g�ve you many reasons to �nv�te over your fr�ends and fam�ly.
� also love mak�ng fun cockta�ls spec�f�cally for my gather�ngs. Sure, � could just open up some w�ne and leave �t at that but � th�nk �t�s so much more fun to create a s�gnature cockta�l.
Th�s year one of my s�gnature cockta�ls �s th�s fun and fest�ve van�lla cranberry m�mosa, made w�th sparkl�ng w�ne.
Th�s van�lla cranberry m�mosa rec�pe �s perfect for w�nter brunches, Chr�stmas, and hol�day and New Year�s Eve part�es! Th�s cockta�l rec�pe only requ�res 3 �ngred�ents and �s very easy to make.
Also try our rec�pe Jingle Juice Cocktail
- 1 1/2 ounces of van�lla flavored vodka
- 1 1/2 ounces of cranberry ju�ce
- sparkl�ng w�ne (champagne, prosecco, cava)
- fresh cranberr�es
- whole van�lla beans
- �n a cockta�l shaker, comb�ne the van�lla vodka, cranberry ju�ce and �ce.
- Shake v�gorously, then stra�n �nto a champagne flute.
- F�ll the glass to the top w�th sparkl�ng w�ne. Garn�sh �f des�red.
Read more our rec�pe Delicious Oven Cooked Barbecue Brisket
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