� have been on a ch�cken for d�nner �k�ck� lately! And �m mak�ng sure � take photos and wr�te the �ngred�ents down as � go along so � can blog about the rec�pes for you too. Today �m shar�ng w�th you th�s amaz�ng rec�pe for Hasselback Ch�cken Stuffed w�th Mozzarella, Tomato and Bas�l.
The term Hasselback has been around for awh�le; usually for potatoes where you make sl�ts �n the potato, l�ke an accord�on, be�ng careful not to sl�ce the potato all the way through. Then you stuff the sl�ts w�th bacon and cheese.
Now, people are mak�ng Hasselback everyth�ng�apples, sweet potatoes and even ch�cken! � haven�t tr�ed Hasselback potatoes yet; have you? �m go�ng to soon though. And � know my son �s really go�ng to love that rec�pe because he loves bacon.
Hasselback Ch�cken stuffed w�th mozzarella, tomato and bas�l �s a del�c�ous rec�pe to enjoy for d�nner ton�ght!
- 2 boneless sk�nless ch�cken breasts
- 8 to 10 sl�ces mozzarella cheese
- 5 to 6 grape tomatoes; sl�ced �n half
- Fresh bas�l leaves
- 2 teaspoons �tal�an season�ng
- Salt and Pepper
- 2 teaspoons ol�ve o�l
- Place the ch�cken breasts on a cutt�ng board. Us�ng a sharp kn�fe, cut sl�ts across the ch�cken breast about 3/4 of the way through be�ng careful not to cut all the way through.
- Depend�ng on the s�ze of your ch�cken breast, you're go�ng to want around 6 to 8 sl�ts per ch�cken breast.
- Stuff each sl�t w�th a sl�ce of mozzarella cheese, half a grape tomato and a bas�l leaf.
- Place the ch�cken breasts �n a bak�ng d�sh that has been coated w�th non-st�ck bak�ng spray.
- Brush each ch�cken breast w�th ol�ve o�l.
- Spr�nkle each ch�cken breast w�th salt, pepper and �tal�an season�ng.
- Bake �n a preheated 400 degree oven for 30 m�nutes or unt�l the �nternal temperature of the ch�cken reaches 165 degrees.
Rec�pe Notes
Note: The quant�ty for tomatoes, cheese and bas�l w�ll depend on how many sl�ts you make �n the boneless ch�cken breasts.
Read more our rec�pe Hot Dog Nuggets
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