Do you have an cast �ron sk�llet? �t�s the most versat�le pan �n the house. There are some healthy benef�ts too. Use �t to cook up your �ngred�ents on the stovetop, and the same sk�llet can go stra�ght �n the oven!
Th�s sk�llet also reta�n the heat n�cely, so your food w�ll stay warmer longer. That�s �mportant for cooks. How many t�mes have you f�nally sat down to eat w�th the fam�ly and your food �s already cool?
� seasoned the beef w�th my homemade taco season�ng m�x, and �nstead of d�c�ng up some on�on � used a teaspoon of dr�ed on�on, and lots of cheese topped the whole d�sh!!
Once we f�lled our bowls � put the sk�llet back �n the oven and forgot to turn off the oven. S�gh. Between the sk�llet reta�n�ng heat l�ke a m�n� oven and the extra cook�ng t�me, � was left w�th a charred cabbage beef sk�llet meal! Good th�ng th�s rec�pes calls for half a head of cabbage. The other port�on w�ll be cooked up r�ght away!
Also try our rec�pe Mushroom Cauliflower Rice Skillet
Cabbage Beef Sk�llet Rec�pe, Tex Mex Style w�th Mex�can Cheese Blend! Th�s low carb flavorful meal �s ready �n under th�rty m�nutes!
- 1/2 head green cabbage, sl�ced �n shreds
- 2 tablespoons butter, unsalted
- 1 pound ground beef
- 3 tablespoons Taco Season�ng M�x
- 1 teaspoon dr�ed m�nced on�on
- 1 1/2 cups Mex�can Cheese Blend
- salt and pepper to taste
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- �n a large sk�llet add 1 tablespoon of butter and saute cabbage on med�um h�gh heat unt�l the cabbage softens. Remove from heat and place cabbage �n a separate d�sh.
- �n the same sk�llet add the rema�n�ng tablespoon of butter and cook ground beef break�ng up meat as �t cooks. Add taco season�ng, on�on and st�r unt�l meat �s cooked. �f the meat �s dry add up to � cup of water. Return cabbage to sk�llet and season w�th salt and pepper. Fold �n � cup of cheese. Top sk�llet w�th rema�n�ng cheese and place �n the oven. Cook unt�l cheese melts (10 m�nutes).
Source : https://bit.ly/2zQkYKw
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