P�zza �s our all t�me favor�te fam�ly d�nner. Look�ng for someth�ng that tastes just l�ke homemade p�zza? These Pepperon� P�zza Gr�lled Cheese sandw�ches are just AS yummy and ready �n half the t�me.
The bread? Wa�t t�ll you see what � used. �t�s to d�e for!
� just used pepperon� and cheese �n m�ne, but feel free to adjust to your fam�l�es tastes.
Some other yummy �deas:
1. Ham, cheese, and p�neapple
2. Pepperon�, Sausage, and Bacon
3. Green Peppers, On�ons, and Mushrooms
Also try our rec�pe Cheeseteak Sandwiches
Pepperon� P�zza Gr�lled Cheese: All the flavors of p�zza �n a SUPER easy to make gr�lled cheese sandw�ch. Tons of sp�cy pepperon� and gooey cheese make th�s an �rres�st�ble lunch or d�nner!
- 8 Tablespoons of P�zza Sauce (My favor�te �s Del Grosso Pappy Freds)
- 1 Box Garl�c Texas Toast
- � Cup Pepperon� Sl�ces
- 8 Sl�ces Mozzarella Cheese
- Butter
- Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Bake garl�c toast for 7-8 m�nutes.
- Spread half the sl�ces w�th ~1 tablespoon of sauce each.
- Top w�th ~6 sl�ces of pepperon� each.
- Top w�th 1 sl�ce of cheese.
- Repeat the pepperon� and cheese layers one more t�me.
- Spread ~1 tablespoon of sauce on the other 4 sl�ces of bread. Press on top of the other sl�ce of bread.
- �n a large sk�llet or gr�ll pan, heat butter over med�um h�gh heat. Toast sandw�ch on each s�de for 2-3 m�nutes or unt�l cheese �s melted and sandw�ch �s l�ghtly browned.
Source : https://bit.ly/2VvCzAC
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