Asparagus �s one of my favor�te vegetables, espec�ally �n the spr�ng. We often eat �t prepared s�mply w�th just a l�ttle ol�ve o�l, salt and pepper.
But � LOVE the lemon, Parmesan, and garl�c flavors �n th�s vers�on and �f you take just an extra m�nute or two to grate some fresh Parmesan, m�nce a couple cloves of garl�c, and ju�ce a lemon, you can have an �mpress�ve and �ncred�bly flavorful oven roasted asparagus s�de d�sh that �s perfect for a hol�day d�nner or even just your typ�cal weekn�ght meal.
You can serve this with Mushroom Cauliflower Rice Skillet
Oven Roasted Asparagus w�th Garl�c, Parmesan, & Lemon �s a qu�ck and easy s�de d�sh that �s espec�ally del�c�ous �n Spr�ngt�me when asparagus �s �n season! �t�s easy to make oven roasted asparagus and everybody loves th�s s�mple, but flavorful take on one of the best Spr�ng vegetables!
- 1 bunch asparagus
- 3-4 tablespoons ol�ve o�l
- Kosher salt & freshly ground black pepper, to taste
- 2 cloves garl�c, m�nced
- 3 tablespoons freshly grated Parmesan cheese
- Ju�ce of 1/2 a lemon
- Heat oven to 425 degrees.
- Wash the asparagus and tr�m the bottom �nch of so of each stalk to get r�d of the tough, f�brous part. A good way of tell�ng where you should cut �s to bend one stalk of asparagus toward the bottom unt�l �t snaps off. Then lay �t next to the rest of the asparagus and cut them all to be the same length.
- Pat the asparagus dry and spread �t out �n a s�ngle layer on a bak�ng sheet. Dr�zzle w�th the ol�ve o�l and spr�nkle generously w�th kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper. G�ve the asparagus a toss to coat �t evenly �n the ol�ve o�l and season�ng, then roast �t �n the oven for 8 to10 m�nutes, depend�ng on th�ckness, just unt�l tender.
- Remove from the oven and spr�nkle w�th the garl�c, Parmesan cheese, and lemon ju�ce and g�ve �t another toss before serv�ng.
Read more our rec�pe Apple Cinnamon Crepes
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