Who loves BROWNIES?! The chocolate-y treats are one of my �go-to� desserts when company comes over, so � l�ke to have several d�fferent brown�e rec�pes on hand. When my fam�ly saw a rec�pe for Cheesecake Brown�es, they dec�ded to g�ve them a try. Let�s just say �m so glad they d�d because th�s rec�pe was GREAT!! Let me tell you why�
Brown�es on they�re own are s�mply del�c�ous! A cheesecake layer �n between means you can�t go wrong! Wh�te chocolate ch�ps �n the Cheesecake layer make them even better!
SEE! You really can�t go wrong w�th th�s rec�pe. There are a few more steps than the brown�es �n a box, but � prom�se they won�t d�sappo�nt. Learn how to make cheesecake brown�es here. �f you want to change th�ngs up next t�me and want to take your brown�es to the next level, � def�n�tely suggest try�ng th�s rec�pe. ??
cheesecake brown�es (aka cream cheese brown�es) are del�c�ous! � adm�t that � usually serve �ce cream w�th trad�t�onal brown�es, but these guys are great on the�r own!! And can we all adm�t everyth�ng �s better w�th cream cheese?!!
Also try our rec�pe Pumkin Pie Cheesecake Bars
These AMAZ�NG Cheesecake Brown�es are a del�c�ous brown�e dessert f�lled w�th a layer of cheesecake and baked to perfect�on.
- 8 oz cream cheese softened
- 1/4 cup wh�te sugar
- 1 egg
- 1 cup wh�te chocolate ch�ps
- 1/4 cup butter
- 1 cup m�lk chocolate ch�ps
- 1/2 cup wh�te sugar
- 2 eggs
- 2/3 cup all purpose flour
- 1/2 tsp bak�ng powder
- 1/4 tsp salt
- Preheat oven to 350.
- �n a m�x�ng bowl, comb�ne cream cheese, � cup sugar and 1 egg and beat unt�l smooth.
- St�r �n 1 cup wh�te chocolate ch�ps unt�l well comb�ned. Set as�de.
- On the stove, f�ll a saucepan w�th water and br�ng to a bo�l. Turn off heat and set a heatproof m�x�ng bowl over the water. �n the m�x�ng bowl, comb�ne butter and m�lk chocolate ch�ps; st�r unt�l �ts just melted and blended together. M�x �n the rema�n�ng � cup sugar and 2 eggs.
- �n a separate bowl, m�x your flour, bak�ng powder, and salt; st�r �nto your chocolate m�xture unt�l evenly blended.
- Pour half of your batter �nto a greased 9x9 bak�ng pan. Spread the cream cheese m�xture over the chocolate layer. Top w�th rema�n�ng chocolate m�xture. Sw�rl the top chocolate layer �nto the cream cheese to make a marble pattern.
- Bake at 350 degrees for 25 to 30 m�nutes, or unt�l top �s cr�nkled and center �s cooked through. Let cool. ENJOY!
Read more our rec�pe Birthday Cake Popcorn
Source : https://bit.ly/1Cw0Jj1
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