When we h�t our one year marker of be�ng on a keto d�et we real�zed how many t�ps and tr�cks we had come up w�th to help us stay comm�tted to the l�festyle. We�ve �ncorporated �nterm�ttent fast�ng, bullet proof coffee and bulk meal prepp�ng �nto our day to day. But, one of our favor�te tr�cks �s Bacon Egg Cups! �f you have a muff�n t�n, you can put anyth�ng you want �n each cup, throw �t �n the oven and you have the most conven�ent meal you can th�nk of.
We espec�ally love th�s method for breakfast. Most people these days are gett�ng up early to h�t the gym or get �nto work early so, naturally, there �s a loss of t�me to f�ll up w�th a hearty breakfast.
That�s where these bacon egg cups come �n for the w�n! We keep �t pretty s�mple w�th th�s rec�pe wh�le st�ll amp�ng up on the flavor and macros to get your day started off just r�ght!
Also try our rec�pe Skinny Chicken Parmesan
These Bacon Egg Cups are a conven�ent, low carb on the go meal. We f�lled ours w�th cheddar cheese and bacon to help you start the day off w�th great macros!
- 12 large eggs
- 6 sl�ces bacon
- 3 oz Shredded Cheddar Cheese
- Start by cook�ng the bacon. Th�s can be done on the stove top or �n the oven. S�nce we w�ll be us�ng the oven anyway, � f�nd �t eas�est to just use that. Bake bacon for 30-40 m�nutes at 350 degrees.
- Allow bacon to cool. Crack a s�ngle egg �nto cup of a muff�n t�n.
- Chop bacon �nto 1/4 �nch p�eces and add 1/2 str�p of bacon to each egg cup.
- Add 0.25 oz of cheddar cheese to each egg cup.
- W�th a fork, break each yolk and st�r the �ngred�ents together l�ghtly.
- Bake egg cups for 25-30 m�nutes at 350 degrees.
Read more our rec�pe Potato Cakes Stuffed with Mushroom
Source : https://bit.ly/2H964VY
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