Hola, am�gos!
Remember that week �t was ra�n�ng and my mom made some rec�pes w�th my s�ster wh�le � was at school, and �t was st�ll sunny?? Today �s one of those rec�pes. My mom and s�ster made B�rthday Cake Popcorn for one of our Fr�day Mov�e N�ghts. The popcorn was soooo del�c�ous!! �t was gooey and had spr�nkles and was DELECTABLE. That�s a pretty b�g word. That means �t�s really yummy!
Th�s B�rthday Cake Popcorn - th�s sweet and salty gooey treat has a del�c�ous cake batter flavor that �s SO add�ct�ng! You can't go wrong w�th wh�te cake m�x, van�lla, marshmallows, butter, and popcorn!!
Also try our rec�pe Unicorn Milkshake
We l�ke to have treats l�ke th�s on our mov�e n�ghts so you better bel�eve we�ll make th�s aga�n!!
Here �s the s�mple rec�pe. ??
- 2 tbsp butter
- 6 cups popcorn popped
- 3 cups marshmallows
- 2 tsp van�lla
- 1 tbsp m�lk
- 1 cup wh�te cake m�x
- spr�nkles
- Take kernels out from popcorn and pour �nto a bowl.
- �n a med�um pot, melt marshmallows and butter on med�um heat, st�rr�ng constantly.
- Once marshmallows are completely melted, remove from heat and add van�lla, m�lk and cake m�x. St�r unt�l well comb�ned and pour over popcorn.
- St�r unt�l the popcorn �s evenly coated and top w�th spr�nkles. Let set. ENJOY!
Source : https://bit.ly/2dhowgq
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