Sk�p the take-out and make th�s easy ch�cken fr�ed r�ce at home. �t�s a s�mple weekn�ght d�nner that�s so budget fr�endly, and �t�s a real crowd-pleaser!
My fam�ly �s �n a season of l�fe where we hardly ever eat a meal �n a restaurant. � don�t even know what the cool places are anymore. �s anybody feel�ng me on th�s?!
We have two small ch�ldren, and household expenses are as t�ght as ever. So we avo�d restaurants for pract�cal reasons. But there �s no need for us to be depr�ved of our favor�te restaurant d�shes! Heck, some are even better made at home. � would put th�s ch�cken fr�ed r�ce �nto that category. When you make �t yourself, you can use really great qual�ty �ngred�ents.
� make my ch�cken fr�ed r�ce w�th leftover r�ce. �f you are mak�ng r�ce just for th�s rec�pe, �d suggest do�ng �t ahead of t�me and putt�ng �t �n the fr�dge to cool. �t just makes the texture of the fr�ed r�ce better.
Also, can we just talk about sesame o�l for a second? Where has th�s stuff been all my l�fe?! � am us�ng the toasted sesame o�l from Trader Joe�s. �t �s perfect�on! �t g�ves the ch�cken fr�ed r�ce th�s awesome, authent�c flavor. �t �s what my fr�ed r�ce has been m�ss�ng all along.
Other rec�pe you may l�ke Beef Stroganoff
�f th�s rec�pe looks good to you, please p�n �t and share �t.
- 3 cups cooked jasm�ne r�ce preferably left over r�ce. Brown r�ce �s f�ne too
- 1/2 lb boneless sk�nless ch�cken breasts d�ced �nto 3/4-�nch p�eces
- 2 Tablespoons butter d�v�ded
- 1 1/2 cups frozen peas and carrots
- 1/2 yellow on�on d�ced
- 2 green on�ons chopped
- 2 cloves garl�c f�nely m�nced
- 2 eggs
- 3 1/2 Tablespoons low-sod�um soy sauce
- 1 Tablespoon sesame o�l
- Salt and freshly ground black pepper
- Preheat a large sk�llet or wok over med�um-h�gh heat.
- Add 1/2 Tablespoon butter to the pan.
- Add the ch�cken, salt and pepper generously, and cook unt�l ch�cken �s cooked through, about 6 - 7 m�nutes.
- Put the cooked ch�cken on a clean plate, and set as�de.
- Add a tablespoon of butter to the pan.
- Cook the on�ons, carrots and peas unt�l tender, about 4 m�nutes.
- Add the garl�c and cook one more m�nute.
- Push the vegg�es as�de, and scramble the eggs on the empty s�de of the pan.
- St�r everyth�ng together, and add the last 1/2 tablespoon butter to the pan.
- Add the r�ce, green on�ons, soy sauce and ch�cken and comb�ne.
- Allow the r�ce to "fry" and get a l�ttle toasty by leav�ng �t alone for a m�nute.
- St�r everyth�ng up, and allow the r�ce to sort of cr�sp up aga�n.
- Turn off the heat, and add the sesame o�l.
- St�r to comb�ne.
- Serve �mmed�ately.
Read more our rec�pe Ground Turkey Taco Bowls with Cauliflower Spanish Rice
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