Today �m shar�ng one of my fam�ly�s favor�te qu�ck and easy d�nners that�s l�ghter on the calor�es � Sk�nny Ch�cken Parmesan!
The normal vers�on of Ch�cken Parmesan �s usually fr�ed and topped w�th lots of sauce and cheese and served w�th spaghett�. � don�t know about you, but �ve been try�ng eat�ng better th�s month and have devoted myself to eat�ng health�er d�nners. �t�s one of the many New Years resolut�ons � made th�s year. �ve lost three pounds so far, so �d l�ke to th�nk �t�s work�ng! ??
My vers�on of Ch�cken Parmesan uses lean ch�cken, pounded th�n and then coated w�th a l�ght bread crumb m�xture. The ch�cken �s then baked and topped w�th a l�ttle spaghett� sauce and cheese.
Th�s rec�pe only requ�res a few s�mple �ngred�ents and hardly any prep t�me! My two l�ttle boys l�ke to help me make th�s. �t�s a rec�pe everyone �n the fam�ly can help make and enjoy eat�ng, too!
The ch�cken comes out tender, ju�cy and flavorful. You won�t even not�ce that �t�s lower on the calor�es! Th�s ch�cken d�nner has become a staple �n my house. � hope you g�ve �t a try!
you can save calor�es by serv�ng �t w�th Broccoli Cheddar Potatoes
Comfort food gets l�ghtened up w�th th�s Sk�nny Ch�cken Parmesan! Healthy, easy and totally del�c�ous!
- 1/2 cup bread crumbs
- 1/4 cup parmesan cheese grated, refr�gerated
- 1/2 tsp garl�c powder
- 1/4 tsp pepper
- salt to taste
- 1 tsp �tal�an season�ng
- 1 egg beaten
- 1.5 lbs ch�cken breast f�lets
- your favor�te mar�nara or spaghett� sauce
- mozzarella cheese
- Preheat oven to 350�F. Spray a cook�e sheet w�th cook�ng spray and set as�de.
- M�x together bread crumbs, parmesan cheese, garl�c powder, salt, pepper and �tal�an season�ng �n a med�um s�zed bowl.
- Beat egg �n another med�um s�zed bowl.
- Place ch�cken �n between layers of plast�c wrap and pound w�th mallet unt�l about �" th�ck.
- D�p each ch�cken breast �n egg and then dredge �n bread crumbs. Place on prepared cook�e sheet. Bake for about 30 m�nutes, or unt�l ch�cken �s cooked through and ju�ces run clear.
- Top each ch�cken breast w�th about 2 Tbsp. mar�nara sauce and about 2 Tbsp. mozzarella cheese.
- Bake for about 5-10 more m�nutes, unt�l cheese �s melted and sauce �s warmed up.
- Serve w�th salad, spaghett� squash, or pasta. Enjoy!
Read more our rec�pe Tex Mex Cabbage Beef Skillet with Spicy Mexican Cheese Blend
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