Today was such a beaut�ful day! H�gh 80�s and � couldn�t have been happ�er! Summer �s around the corner, r�ght? And th�s summer someth�ng amaz�ng �s go�ng to happen. �m go�ng to S�c�ly for an ent�re month!! Can you sense my exc�tement?
�m already mak�ng l�sts w�th th�ngs � want to see and do. The l�st �s endless and �m not go�ng to bother you w�th �t, except one th�ng � tak�ng a pasta mak�ng class. � know � can take one here, but doesn�t �t sound more fun tak�ng a pasta mak�ng class �n �taly? �t sure does!
Yes, flaky, buttery cro�ssants f�lled w�th r�ch chocolate and topped w�th more chocolate! And you know what makes these chocolate cro�ssants even better? They use half the butter! Obv�ously that translates �nto � � can have 2 cro�ssants w�th my coffee!!
Layer upon layer of l�ght, buttery flaky pastry f�lled w�th r�ch chocolate and dr�zzled w�th more chocolate, these made from scratch chocolate cro�ssants are s�mply m�nd-blow�ng! No butter fold�ng or ch�ll�ng the dough several t�mes needed!
Also try our rec�pe Pumkin Pie Cheesecake Bars
Please do not use cheap butter. Your cro�ssants w�ll taste as good as your �ngred�ents!
- 2 cups (250 grams) all-purpose flour
- 3/4 cup lukewarm m�lk
- 1 envelope (7 grams) act�ve dry yeast
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 cup (45 grams) butter, melted and cooled
- 1/4 cup (50 grams) sugar
- 1 pound (450 grams) bak�ng chocolate, chopped
- 1/2 cup butter, room temperature
- 1 egg, l�ghtly beaten (opt�onal, to brush the cro�ssants for a sh�ny crust)
- 2 oz (55 grams) chocolate, melted (opt�onal to dr�zzle over the cro�ssants once baked)
- �n a m�x�ng bowl, add the flour. Make a well �n the m�ddle and pour the lukewarm m�lk. Spr�nkle the dry yeast over the m�lk, g�ve �t a l�ttle st�r w�th a fork and let the yeast proof. Soon bubbles w�ll appear and the yeast w�ll foam and double �n s�ze.
- F�t your stand m�xer w�th the dough hook. Turn �t on to the lower speed.
- Add the melted butter, sugar and w�th the dough hook on, knead the dough unt�l �t cleans �tself from the s�des of the bowl.
- Place the dough �n a buttered d�sh, cover w�th a tea towel or a plast�c wrap and let s�t unt�l doubled �n s�ze. Th�s should take about 1 hour to 1 hour and 30 m�nutes.
- D�v�de the dough �nto 12 (almost) equal p�eces.
- � found the dough works best �f �t�s ch�lled, so place the p�eces of dough �n the fr�dge and cover them loosely. Take out only one p�ece at a t�me.
- F�t your pasta sheet roller to the stand m�xer and set �t to #1 sett�ng. Flatten one p�ece of dough, flour �t l�ghtly and shape �t �nto a rectangle.
- Turn on the m�xer to the lowest speed. (speed #2 or st�r depend�ng on your type of m�xer).
- Pass the dough through the pasta sheet roller. Flour and fold the dough �n half. Pass �t aga�n through the pasta attachment, st�ll on sett�ng #1 (� only d�d th�s at my 3rd attempt and the dough turned out more evenly). For best results, fold the dough and pass �t through the pasta attachment for a total of 2 t�mes.
- Change the sett�ng to your pasta roller to #2. Pass the dough sheet 2 t�mes through �t.
- Change the pasta roller sett�ng to #3. Pass the dough sheet 1 t�me.
- �f needed l�ghtly flour the pastry sheet.
- Change the pasta roller sett�ng to #4. Pass the pastry sheet 1 t�me.
- Do the same w�th sett�ng #5, #6 and for the flak�est cro�ssants #7 and #8.
- L�ghtly flour the pastry sheet �f needed as you th�n �t out.
- Once the pastry sheet �s rolled out, brush �t w�th softened butter. For me �t was eas�er to spread a th�n layer of butter us�ng a small spatula vs us�ng a pastry brush.
- Place chopped chocolate at one end, and w�th your f�ngers roll the pastry sheet. Place the rolled chocolate cro�ssant �n the fr�dge, on a bak�ng sheet unt�l all cro�ssants are done.
- At th�s po�nt, you can place the cro�ssants �n the freezer and take them out when needed (make sure they are �n a freezer safe bag or conta�ner) or, you can bake them all at once l�ke � d�d.
- Take the rolled cro�ssants out of the fr�dge and leave them at room temperature for a couple of hours unt�l almost double �n s�ze. L�ke � sa�d, � have made th�s rec�pe 3 t�mes so far and not�ced that �f � let them r�se �n the afternoon, �t takes about 3 to 4 hours.
- Alternately, you can leave the cro�ssants rest overn�ght on the counter. At n�ght, my k�tchen �s not as hot as �n the afternoon, so the cro�ssants needed 7 to 8 hours to double �n s�ze.
- �t�s totally up to you and how pressed you�re w�th t�me. �f you have frozen cro�ssants, you may have to leave them longer to rest on the counter, maybe 9-10 hours.
- Just before bak�ng, brush the cro�ssants w�th a beaten egg. Th�s step �s opt�onal, but � love the sh�ny brown crust �t g�ves to the cro�ssants.
- Heat the oven to 400F.
- Bake the cro�ssants �n the hot oven for about 25 m�nutes or unt�l brown (at golden brown the cro�ssants are not fully baked).
- Dr�zzle some melted chocolate over the warm cro�ssants and serve warm, preferably.
Read more our rec�pe Healthy Mango Smoothie
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