These vegan p�zza pockets have been a h�t for my fam�ly. Not only are they cruelty-free, they�re also the best p�zza pockets ever!!
And they freeze except�onally well, so �ll usually double the rec�pe. One batch gets eaten r�ght away and the other batch �s placed �n the freezer for a qu�ck meal later. To reheat, � just toss one �n the oven, put the t�mer on and walk away�my k�nd of meal!
The f�ll�ng opt�ons are endless for these �m�n� calzones�. Add some ol�ves for salt�ness, maybe p�neapple for sweet or jalape�os for sp�cy. Broccol�, sp�nach and art�choke hearts are all del�c�ous �deas as well �so get creat�ve!
� cons�der mar�nara sauce to be the foundat�on to a del�c�ous p�zza. �n other words, to have the perfect p�zza, you need the perfect sauce, and th�s mar�nara �s �t.
Th�s mar�nara sauce also doubles as a d�p. �f you don�t m�nd a chunk�er mar�nara, then d�p away! Otherw�se, add �t to a blender w�th a b�t water and blend �t up! Then use �t for your pockets, bread st�cks or even zucch�n� fr�es.
Also try our rec�pe Vegan Hawaiian Bbq Pizza
Vegan p�zza pockets also make a great party appet�zer. S�mply d�v�de the dough �nto 14-16 even p�eces. F�ll the p�zza b�tes w�th mar�nara and your favor�te p�zza topp�ngs!
P�zza Pocket Dough
- 2 � cups organ�c all-purpose flour
- 1 cup warm water
- � teaspoon coconut sugar or brown sugar
- 1 � teaspoon act�ve dry yeast
- � teaspoon sea salt
- 1 teaspoon ref�ned coconut o�l - melted
- � cup on�on, chopped
- 1 garl�c clove, m�nced
- 1 tablespoon organ�c ref�ned coconut o�l
- 1 6oz can tomato paste
- 1 8oz can tomato sauce
- 1 teaspoon oregano (full -do not level-)
- � teaspoon bas�l (full -do not level-)
- � teaspoon on�on powder (full -do not level-)
- � teaspoon garl�c powder (full -do not level-)
- � teaspoon coconut sugar
- � teaspoon salt
- 1 small bay leaf
- 1 teaspoon vegan cashew parmesan (opt�onal)
- 1 package organ�c mushrooms
- 1 med�um organ�c on�on
- 1 organ�c bell pepper
- 1 can ol�ves, sl�ced
Cashew parmesan or your favor�te vegan cheese shreds
P�zza Pocket Dough
- Add the warm water and sugar to a large bowl and m�x. Spr�nkle the yeast over the water and let s�t for about 10 m�n, or unt�l the yeast �s foamy and act�ve.
- When the yeast �s act�ve, add �n the salt and o�l and m�x.
- Now add a cup of flour to your bowl and m�x well. Add the rema�n�ng flour, half a cup at a t�me, m�x�ng unt�l a dough forms.
- Take the dough out of your bowl and kneed on a floured surface for 5-7 m�n. (or you can sk�p th�s step and add everyth�ng to your stand m�xer)
- Place the dough �n a clean and o�led bowl. Turn the dough over and coat the other s�de �n o�l.
- Cover w�th a clean k�tchen towel and place �n a warm spot to r�se for an hour. (� place my bowl �n the oven w�th only the l�ght on)
- Wh�le the dough r�ses, prep the sauce, vegg�es and parmesan.
- Chop the on�on and garl�c.
- Add the o�l, on�on and garl�c to a sauce pan and saut� over med�um-low heat, unt�l translucent.
- Add �n the rema�n�ng �ngred�ents and m�x well.
- Turn the heat to low, cover and let s�mmer for about 15-20 m�n.
- �f needed, add water to ach�eve des�red cons�stency. � prefer the sauce th�cker for the pockets to prevent leakage, but for d�pp�ng � add a b�t of water.
- Cook the mushrooms unt�l they have released the�r mo�sture and are tender. Be sure to dra�n the l�qu�d before add�ng to your pockets.
- �n a separate pan, cook the on�on and bell pepper unt�l they are soft yet st�ll have a sl�ght crunch.
- Assemble the Pockets
- Preheat your oven to 420� and l�ne a bak�ng sheet w�th parchment paper.
- Once your dough has doubled �n s�ze, place �t on a clean surface and cut �t �nto 8 equal p�eces. (� use a kn�fe and cut the dough l�ke a p�zza �nto 8 tr�angles)
- Form each dough p�ece �nto a ball, then roll them out.
- Add your f�ll�ng to half of the flattened dough, leav�ng an edge to be folded closed.. Start w�th the sauce, then a spr�nkle of parmesan, add your vegg�es and a few more spr�nkles of parmesan. �f us�ng a vegan cheese shred, add to taste �n place of the parmesan.
Read more our rec�pe Oven Roasted Asparagus with Garlic, Parmesan and Lemon
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