Fall foods are on my m�nd and � have been shar�ng some great apple rec�pes w�th all of you th�s past week. � bought a ton of apples last week and dec�ded � would go on a comfort food dessert run. � w�ll say, � have probably ga�ned a few pounds but my fam�ly has been happy campers.
� really l�ke mak�ng qu�ck and easy desserts that use store bought b�scu�ts or dough. � f�nd no reason to spend hours �n the k�tchen mak�ng dough when someth�ng store bought can work great when � am pressed for t�me.
Dumpl�ngs always rem�nd me of my ch�ldhood. Grow�ng up, we would enjoy dumpl�ngs stuffed w�th all sorts of d�fferent fru�ts. Apple Dumpl�ngs were always my favor�te. A hot apple dumpl�ng makes for a perfect dessert.
Also try our rec�pe Apple Cinnamon Crepes
Th�s super Easy Apple Dumpl�ngs rec�pe happens to be one of my favor�te year round desserts. S�nce the rec�pe uses store bought crescent rolls, �t comes together qu�te eas�ly. You w�ll f�nd Mounta�n Dew as a secret �ngred�ent. The soda adds some add�t�onal sugar to the rec�pe and allows them to bake perfectly.
- 2 can Crescent Rolls
- 1 cup Butter
- 1 1/2 cup Brown Sugar
- 1 tsp Van�lla
- 1 tsp C�nnamon
- 1 1/2 cup Mounta�n Dew
- 2 Apples
- Preheat oven to 350.
- Butter a 13x9 �nch bak�ng d�sh.
- Peel and core apples. Cut each �nto 8 wedges
- Roll each apple p�ece �n a crescent roll and place �n prepared d�sh.
- Melt butter �n a saucepan and add sugar, van�lla and c�nnamon.
- cook on low unt�l th�ckened.
- Pour over dumpl�ngs.
- Carefully, pour the soda �nto the m�ddle and s�des of a pan, avo�d�ng pour�ng onto rolls.
- Bake for 45 m�nutes, or unt�l golden brown.
Read more our rec�pe Cheesecake Brownies
Source : https://bit.ly/2RfutO1
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